what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House?

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? | MyKCM

There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are misinformed!

Only 25% of the Americans have a FICO® Score between 740 and 800. Here is the breakdown according to Experian:

  • 16% Very Poor (300-579)
  • 18% Fair (580-669)
  • 21% Good (670-739)
  • 25% Very Good (740-799)
  • 20% Exceptional (800-850)

Randy Hopper, Senior Vice President of Mortgage Lending for Navy Federal Credit Union said,

Just because you have a low credit score doesn’t mean you can’t purchase a home. There are a lot of options out there for consumers with low FICO® scores,”

There are many programs available with low or no credit score requirement. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) now requires a minimum FICO® score of 580 if you want to qualify for the low down payment advantage. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) does not set a minimum credit score requirement, but most lenders require a score of at least 640Veterans Affairs (VA) loans have no credit score requirement.

As you can see, none of them are above 700!

It is true that the average FICO® score for all closed loans in January was 726, but there are plenty of people taking advantage of the low credit score requirements. Here is the average FICO® Score of closed FHA Loans since April 2012 according to Ellie Mae:What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? | MyKCMAs you can see, that number has been dropping for the last seven years. As a matter of fact, the average FHA Purchase FICO® Score reported in January 2019 was 675!

One of the challenges is that Americans are unsure about their credit score. They just assume that it is too low to qualify and do not double check. Credit.com confirmed that only 57% of individuals sought out their credit score at least once last year.

FICO® reported,

Since October 2009, the average year-over-year FICO® Score has steadily and consistently increased, from a low of 686 in 2009 to the latest high of 704 as of 2018.”

Here is the increase in the average US FICO® Score over the same period of time as the graph earlier.

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? | MyKCM

Bottom Line

At least 84% of Americans have a score that will allow them to buy a house. If you are unsure what your score is or would like to improve your score in order to become a homeowner, let’s get together to help you set a path to reach your dream!

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

What’s Going On with Bidding Wars?

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

Home Prices Coming In for a Soft Landing

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

Interest Rates Twelve Month Low

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

Owning a home is a great way to build family wealth

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

3 Tips for Making Your Dream Of Buying A Home Come True

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash | MyKCM

With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of twelve years ago.

Here are three key metrics that will explain why:

  1. Home Prices
  2. Mortgage Standards
  3. Foreclosure Rates


A decade ago, home prices depreciated dramatically, losing about 29% of their value over a four-year period (2008-2011). Today, prices are not depreciating. The level of appreciation is just decelerating.

Home values are no longer appreciating annually at a rate of 6-7%. However, they have still increased by more than 4% over the last year. Of the 100 experts reached for the latest Home Price Expectation Survey94 said home values would continue to appreciate through 2019. It will just occur at a lower rate.


Many are concerned that lending institutions are again easing standards to a level that helped create the last housing bubble. However, there is proof that today’s standards are nowhere near as lenient as they were leading up to the crash.

The Urban Institute’s Housing Finance Policy Center issues a quarterly index which,

“…measures the percentage of home purchase loans that are likely to default—that is, go unpaid for more than 90 days past their due date. A lower HCAI indicates that lenders are unwilling to tolerate defaults and are imposing tighter lending standards, making it harder to get a loan. A higher HCAI indicates that lenders are willing to tolerate defaults and are taking more risks, making it easier to get a loan.”

Last month, their January Housing Credit Availability Index revealed:

“Significant space remains to safely expand the credit box. If the current default risk was doubled across all channels, risk would still be well within the pre-crisis standard of 12.5 percent from 2001 to 2003 for the whole mortgage market.”


Within the last decade, distressed properties (foreclosures and short sales) made up 35% of all home sales. The Mortgage Bankers’ Association revealed just last week that:

“The percentage of loans in the foreclosure process at the end of the fourth quarter was 0.95 percent…This was the lowest foreclosure inventory rate since the first quarter of 1996.”

Bottom Line

After using these three key housing metrics to compare today’s market to that of the last decade, we can see that the two markets are nothing alike.

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash | MyKCM

With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of twelve years ago.

Here are three key metrics that will explain why:

  1. Home Prices
  2. Mortgage Standards
  3. Foreclosure Rates


A decade ago, home prices depreciated dramatically, losing about 29% of their value over a four-year period (2008-2011). Today, prices are not depreciating. The level of appreciation is just decelerating.

Home values are no longer appreciating annually at a rate of 6-7%. However, they have still increased by more than 4% over the last year. Of the 100 experts reached for the latest Home Price Expectation Survey94 said home values would continue to appreciate through 2019. It will just occur at a lower rate.


Many are concerned that lending institutions are again easing standards to a level that helped create the last housing bubble. However, there is proof that today’s standards are nowhere near as lenient as they were leading up to the crash.

The Urban Institute’s Housing Finance Policy Center issues a quarterly index which,

“…measures the percentage of home purchase loans that are likely to default—that is, go unpaid for more than 90 days past their due date. A lower HCAI indicates that lenders are unwilling to tolerate defaults and are imposing tighter lending standards, making it harder to get a loan. A higher HCAI indicates that lenders are willing to tolerate defaults and are taking more risks, making it easier to get a loan.”

Last month, their January Housing Credit Availability Index revealed:

“Significant space remains to safely expand the credit box. If the current default risk was doubled across all channels, risk would still be well within the pre-crisis standard of 12.5 percent from 2001 to 2003 for the whole mortgage market.”


Within the last decade, distressed properties (foreclosures and short sales) made up 35% of all home sales. The Mortgage Bankers’ Association revealed just last week that:

“The percentage of loans in the foreclosure process at the end of the fourth quarter was 0.95 percent…This was the lowest foreclosure inventory rate since the first quarter of 1996.”

Bottom Line

After using these three key housing metrics to compare today’s market to that of the last decade, we can see that the two markets are nothing alike.

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah

RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home!

After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah!



what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the course of 2018.

The map below shows the results of the latest index by state.

How To List Your Home for the Best Price | MyKCM

Real estate is local. Each state appreciates at different levels. The majority of the country saw at least a 2.0% gain in home values, while some residents in North Dakota and Louisiana may have felt prices slow slightly.

This effect will be short lived. In the same report, CoreLogic forecasts that every state in the Union will experience at least 2.0% appreciation, with the majority of the country gaining at least 4.0%! The prediction for the country comes in at 4.6%. For a median-priced home, that translates to over $14,000 in additional equity next year! (The map below shows the forecast by state.)

How To List Your Home for the Best Price | MyKCM

So, how does this help you list your home for the best price?

Armed with the knowledge of how much experts believe your house will appreciate this year, you will be able to set an appropriate price for your listing from the start. If homes like yours are appreciating at 4.0%, you won’t want to list your home for more than that amount!

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is pricing their homes too high and reducing the price later when they do not get any offers. This can lead buyers to believe that there may be something wrong with the home, when in fact the price was just too high for the market.

Bottom Line

Pricing your home right from the start is one of the most challenging parts of selling your home. Once you decide to list your house, let’s get together to discuss where home values are headed in your area!

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

4 Questions to Ask Before Selling Your House

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

what credit score do you need to buy a house in utah

What Credit Score Do You Need To Buy A House? There are many misconceptions about the credit score needed to buy a house. Recently, it was reported that 24% of renters believe they need a 780-800 credit score to be considered for a mortgage. The reality is they are...

Housing Crash in Utah

Housing Crash in Utah

3 Reasons Why We Are Not Heading Toward Another Housing Crash With home prices softening, some are concerned that we may be headed toward the next housing crash. However, it is important to remember that today’s market is quite different than the bubble market of...

first time buyer?

Ready for some Baby Steps Start looking for homes at https://Utah RealtyPlace.com/buying Let Marty be your guide to a new home! After all his is the most interesting Realtor in Utah! https://youtu.be/lqHiZgEy074    

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price

How To List Your Home for the Best Price If your plan for 2019 includes selling your home, you will want to pay attention to where experts believe home values are headed. According to the latest Home Price Index from CoreLogic, home prices increased by 4.7% over the...

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