Highland is located in north Utah. Highland is part of Utah County. Highland has 8.52 square miles of land area and has no water area. Census Bureau released in December of 2017, indicates it has 17,544 population which is the 5th in population out of 10 total in the area. Median household income in Highland, UT is $116,971. Males in Highland, UT have an average income that is 1.73 times higher than the average income of females, which is $43,259. Median home prices are $346990 average price is $622,293.
Six of the newest listings in Highland Utah
You May Not Need as Much as You Think for Your Down Payment
You May Not Need as Much as You Think for Your Down Payment Some Highlights Many people believe you need to put down 20% of the purchase price when you buy a home. But recent homebuyers actually put down far less on their purchase. And with programs like FHA loans, VA...
Create Your Perfect Home by Perfecting It After You Purchase
Want To Sell Your House? Price It Right.
Want To Sell Your House? Price It Right. Last year, the housing market slowed down in response to higher mortgage rates, and that had an impact on home prices. If you’re thinking of selling your house soon, that means you’ll want to adjust your expectations...